This website contains analysis of crime in suburban neighborhood areas in Chapel Hill over the past 7 years. The source of the data is 53,000 incident and 16,000 arrest records from the Chapel Hill Police Department and 77,000 county GIS records from the town.
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A picture is worth a thousand words, so here are some charts which show which neighborhoods have problems with which types of crime within a square mile of each neighborhood. The results are basically the same for crime within a one half square mile area.
By looking at the crime in a one square mile or a one half square mile area, one can easily see how healthy a neighborhood ecosystem is. Residents don't live in a vacuum. They are not isolated from the crime that happens near their neighborhood. Neighbors walk, run, and play in the streets and parks surrounding their homes. We need to be taking crime into account when planning growth and developments within our community.
Please visit the maps to see each neighborhood's crime on a map with the square mile drawn. You can use this map to verify the charts below.
Look up your own street to see what crime has occurred there. You can also perform your own queries of incidents by keyword, address, date, etc. in the Raw Data menu item. Peruse the other menu pulldowns for interesting facts about where the most crime occurs.

The involuntary commitment information is interesting because people in drug detoxification are often committed. Those that escape before being committed show up in the crime reports as missing persons, automobile theft, and breaking and entering.

Two closing charts for you to ponder:
The first shows that current social services are the reason that North Forest Hills and Parkside at the top of all neighborhoods for personal crime in a one half square mile area. AND this doesn't even take into account that Freedom House was recently expanded.

The second shows the current crime from the shelter address added to the chart above.

Mark Peters