Suburban neighborhood crime comparison - 1/2 square mile area

Please click on each header to discover which neighborhoods have the most of each type of crime.

Comparisons of different types of incidents recorded by CHPD from Jan 1, 2003 to October 2009 in suburban neighborhoods.

The other reports on the site compare a square mile. This compares a half of a square mile.

The results are basically the same with North Forest Hills and Parkside on the top or at the top of each.

The table below may be multiple pages, so click and in the pager area below to page forward and backward. Use the pulldown in the pager area to show more rows at once. Click on a header in the table to sort by that header. Hold shift and click for primary/secondary sorting.


NeighborhoodPerson CrimesProperty CrimesRobberiesAssualtsInvoluntary
Parkside 69 281 7 47 28 105 86 16 67
North Forest Hills 76 452 8 45 28 139 85 37 70
Vineyard Square 41 161 4 28 11 45 53 15 45
Larkspur 17 85 2 14 2 46 25 0 20
Booker Creek 39 255 1 28 5 102 59 15 57
Morgan Creek 25 124 0 18 0 66 10 6 12
Ironwoods 33 118 0 26 2 39 25 4 9
Chandler's Green 61 387 3 42 2 45 60 35 10
Southern Village 70 409 2 51 6 72 176 10 25
Spring Crest 11 142 0 10 3 49 45 5 18
Meadowmont 26 266 0 13 5 70 40 6 17
Laurel Hills 9 69 1 6 3 42 3 3 1
Kent Woodlands 56 226 3 40 5 77 63 9 8
Colony Woods 44 212 1 36 13 85 64 5 37
Briarcliff 22 187 2 15 3 83 41 2 15
The Oaks 13 93 1 7 0 39 18 1 10
Gimghoul 12 129 1 6 3 54 29 7 6
Lake Forest 13 139 0 6 6 48 37 10 10
Cedar Hills 27 180 4 16 3 41 55 5 14

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