Neighborhood Statistics

Which neighborhoods are safest? most dangerous?

Suburban neighborhood crime comparison - 1 square mile area

Please click on each header to discover which neighborhoods have the most of each type of crime.

Comparisons of different types of incidents recorded by CHPD from Jan 1, 2003 to October 2009 in suburban neighborhoods.

The other reports on the site compare a square mile. This compares a square mile.

The results are basically the same with North Forest Hills and Parkside on the top or at the top of each.

Suburban neighborhood crime comparison - 1/2 square mile area

Please click on each header to discover which neighborhoods have the most of each type of crime.

Comparisons of different types of incidents recorded by CHPD from Jan 1, 2003 to October 2009 in suburban neighborhoods.

The other reports on the site compare a square mile. This compares a half of a square mile.

The results are basically the same with North Forest Hills and Parkside on the top or at the top of each.

Suburban Neighborhood crime comparison - Involuntary Commitment

This report shows the number of subject incidents/crimes in one square mile centered in each neighborhood from January 1st, 2003 through November 18, 2009. Thus, the statistics represent incidents roughly one half mile from the center of each neighborhood so that an apples to apples comparison can be made.

Click here to see the incidents within a particular neighborhood on a map.

Suburban Neighborhood crime comparison - Vandalism

This report shows the number of subject incidents/crimes in one square mile centered in each neighborhood from January 1st, 2003 through November 18, 2009. Thus, the statistics represent incidents roughly one half mile from the center of each neighborhood so that an apples to apples comparison can be made.

Click here to see the incidents within a particular neighborhood on a map.

Suburban neighborhood crime comparison - Trespassing

This report shows the number of subject incidents/crimes in one square mile centered in each neighborhood from January 1st, 2003 through November 18, 2009. Thus, the statistics represent incidents roughly one half mile from the center of each neighborhood so that an apples to apples comparison can be made.

Click here to see the incidents within a particular neighborhood on a map.

Suburban neighborhood crime comparison - Breaking and Entering

This report shows the number of subject incidents/crimes in one square mile centered in each neighborhood from January 1st, 2003 through November 18, 2009. Thus, the statistics represent incidents roughly one half mile from the center of each neighborhood so that an apples to apples comparison can be made.

Click here to see the incidents within a particular neighborhood on a map.

Suburban neighborhood crime comparison - Robbery

This report shows the number of subject incidents/crimes in one square mile centered in each neighborhood from January 1st, 2003 through November 18, 2009. Thus, the statistics represent incidents roughly one half mile from the center of each neighborhood so that an apples to apples comparison can be made.

Click here to see the incidents within a particular neighborhood on a map.

Suburban Neighborhood Comparison - Property Crimes

This report shows the number of subject incidents/crimes in one square mile centered in each neighborhood from January 1st, 2003 through November 18, 2009. Thus, the statistics represent incidents roughly one half mile from the center of each neighborhood so that an apples to apples comparison can be made.

Click here to see the incidents within a particular neighborhood on a map.

Suburban neighborhood crime comparison - Person Crimes

This report shows the number of subject incidents/crimes in one square mile centered in each neighborhood from January 1st, 2003 through November 18, 2009. Thus, the statistics represent incidents roughly one half mile from the center of each neighborhood so that an apples to apples comparison can be made.

Click here to see the incidents within a particular neighborhood on a map.

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